Country: United Kingdom
Year: 2022
Language: English
Subtitles: Spanish
Runtime: 11 mins.

I’ll Be Back! begins and ends with the story of the rebel maroon Francois Mackandal. In 1758, Mackandal was condemned to be burned at the stake, not only for his crimes but for his radical powers of metamorphosis.Filmed in archives and museums across the UK, I’ll Be Back! explores a series of collections holding objects of colonial violence. Amongst these is a book containing a diagram of a slave ship, a key document in the abolitionist movement widely published for its shocking nature, and a collection of insects gathered in Sierra Leone by a colonial topographer mapping borders and defining British and French territory in West Africa. Shifting across digital, 16mm and archival formats, the film interrogates institutional collecting practices and reconsiders the distances between myth, history and machinations of power.

Hope Strickland

Artist, filmmaker and researcher from Manchester, UK. Her work has been screened at festivals such as New York, Open City, London and Ann Arbor. She also won the 2023 Aesthetica Emerging Award.

Director: Hope Strickland
Music: Felix Taylor


11:00 (Horario CST)
Auditorio Mateo Herrera

San Miguel de Allende
17:00 (Horario CST)
Teatro Santa Ana